Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Opera 7.30 with multimodal extensions

Opera 7.30 with multimodal extensions,
browser by Opera but
multimodal by IBM and offered by IBM
SL5xxx series machines come with an older version
of Opera and the C7xx series machines come with the excellent
NetFront web browser. But everyone loves an upgrade and having
more choices, so I've included Opera 7.30 in our listings. Opera
is not offering this version of their Zaurus browser for download,
so don't bother searching their web site. IBM, that Linux loving
company, is offering a customized version of the browser for
the Zaurus. It's a part of their pervasive computing initiative
which focuses on "smart devices" and embedded systems.
When you download thier WebSphere Everyplace Multimodal package,
you'll get not only Opera 7.30 but IBM's multimodal extensions
which enable Opera to say a few words to you and allows you to
input voice commands. The software is listed as trial software,
but it doesn't seem to expire. The Cacko ROM includes Opera 7

Opera 7 is very fast on my C860 and is definitely
worth the 5 megs + of space if you're into web browsing with
your Z. It supports multiple windows (you can supress pop-up
windows if you wish), resizeable text, grab and move for scrolling
along with traditional scrolling, cookies, SSL v2 and 3, javascript,
certificates, and voice commands.

Ease of Use: Install the package and tap on the
Opera icon in the programs group. If Opera launches then closes
very quickly, and you see it complaining that it can't find/load
some .ini files when you're trying to run it from the command
line, you'll need to create a symbolic link from the shell as
root. Enter the following to accomplish this:

cd /usr/share (then hit the enter key)

ln -s /opt/QtPalmtop/opera opera (then hit the enter key)

You shouldn't see any error messages. If you do, then you either forgot
to login as root by typing su at the terminal prompt first, or you made
a typo.

Price: Free. Commercial license.

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