Saturday, August 27, 2011

Footage library products to boost due upcoming real time ad bidding technology

PRLog (Press Release) - Aug 26, 2011 - The growing interest for footage libraries' products gained its momentum as Neal Mohan, Google's Vice President of Display Advertising, in his recent interview predicted bright future of online display advertising. In the next few years, due to revolutionary real time bidding automated technology, Mr. Mohan expects the growth of this industry from $24 bn to $200 bn, bringing tremendous demand on digital images and videos, sold by footage libraries. Placing advertisement on bidding based platform is widely used in offline media, especially in TV. Ad agencies buy ad time in bulk, several months in advance of broadcast, spending hundreds of thousands dollars on "approximated" desired audience.

In the Internet advertising the situation is different. Although its platform based on bidding, it doesn't take special skills to place, modify and control the campaign using various tools. What is more fantastic that online campaigns are precisely targeted and their precision is about to become even more accurate with development of di remote control helicopter splay advertisement real time bidding technology.

Google's official noted that the trend to use graphic format ads shows great potential for industry growth. These forecasts are not unsubstantiated. With the help of new system the information, including image or video, shown to the users will become more relevant to their interests, locations and daytime, without being dependent on website's context.

Growing interest to online display advertisement draws attention to the image and video sources – footage libraries. As stated in analytic report made by Bold Endeavours, a software developer for footage libraries, – The expanding digital image and video footage market offers unprecedented opportunities for its players, alongside with some challenges.

Bold Endeavours' analysts noted that there is no doubt that products offered by footage libraries will be growing in price and companies will face substantial increase of competition. Apparently there will be big mergences. The need of diversification of marketing activities will bring footage libraries to use vertical search engines, spend more on PPC and SEO. But what's most important is that the upcoming surge will se best rc helicopter buy sell market place t those market players up for success, who will offer the biggest variety and easiest to handle solutions to the Google's new online display advertising system.

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