Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pioneering iPhone App, Jetlag Genie, Helps Business and Casual Travelers Reduce Jet Lag

PRLog (Press Release)– Apr 16, 2011– BROOKLYN, N.Y. – Vinegar Hill, a Brooklyn-based company that specializes in apps that fills niche-but-necessary needs worldwide, has released a new iPhone app that finally helps travelers reduce the effects of jet lag – the JetLag Genie. For international business travelers tired of being tired for days after arriving at their destinations, and for the casual vacationer who doesn't want to spend half their trip falling asleep, the JetLag Genie helps by producing customized, daily plans that list the various steps you need to take that have been shown to reduce the effects and duration of jet lag.

"I was sick and tired of being jet lagged on long, international trips, so I wanted to understand how I could beat it," said Sasha Giacoppo, founder of Vinegar Hill Apps. "As it turns out, there were few resources that were helpful and easy to follow, so we decided an easy-to-use app with a customized plan that people can easily follow was the route to go. The JetLag Genie is a great, simple resource that will really help you e remote control helicopter njoy your trip more."

The JetLag Genie's daily plans are created for several days before one's flight, time in the air, and for 5 days at the destination. The steps in the plan include adjusted times to sleep and wake, take naps, seek bright exposure to bright light, avoid bright light, all steps you need to take to help your body adjust properly. It even includes a melatonin guide, which helps you take the naturally-occurring sleep hormone at the right times (Melatonin, taken properly, has been shown to help reduce the effects of jet lag).

Edwin Reyes, a visual designer living in New York City who travels often for brief, week-long trips to Tokyo, says: "I used to show up at presentations in Tokyo in a awful, jet-lagged fog, almost wishing the presentation would be over so I could go back to sleep. Then, I used the JetLag Genie, followed the little plan, and I was much more alert and ready to perform. It even alerted me when I need to take an action, keeping me on track. It was very helpful."

The JetLag Genie is also designed for reality, taking into account that people can't resist naps while jet lagged, or can't adjust their sleep schedules eight hours automatically, unlike some resources who recommend it. Instead, the Je best rc helicopter buy sell market place tLag Genie helps you adjust gradually, which in the end, achieves greater results. All in all, it's a simple and helpful resource that will provide many travelers with the benefits of being more alert in their destinations to enjoy their trip.

Pricing & Availability The JetLag Genie iPhone app is available in the iTunes App Store ( ...), and is priced at $2.99. Volume purchases by businesses are available by contacting Vinegar Hill Apps directly at

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