Friday, April 8, 2011

Vivo Rewards helps Pimlico Academy achieve Outstanding Ofsted

PRLog (Press Release)– Apr 08, 2011– "A reward system linked explicitly to Pimlico Academy's six key values has played a central role in helping to transform it from a failing school into one that is now celebrating an Outstanding Ofsted", said Ivan Baird, Pimlico Academy's Assistant Principal.  The first school to be sponsored by Future – a charity founded by John and Caroline Nash to transform the lives of underprivileged young people – Pimlico Academy has made rapid progress, increasing the number of pupils achieving five A*-C grades at GCSE (including maths and English) by 23 per cent in just two years.

"When I first joined the school two and a half years ago Pimlico Academy had been placed in special measures and had failed to supply an acceptable level of education and appeared to lack the leadership capacity necessary to secure improvements.  Poor student behaviour inside and outside school was prevalent.  Its impact on results and relations with the local community was significant.  

"Having reviewed our incumbent pastoral care system it became clear that the current scheme failed to adequately address problematic behaviour.  Working closely with Principal Jerry Collins and the school improvement team we collectively devised the Academy's six key values to be shared by both pupils and staff – We are dedicated to learning and achieving; We lead by example; We work together; We are committed to our communities; We respect everyone; We are open and honest.  

"In a drive to create a strong community within the school we also introduced our current house system – each house named after a Greek god including Zeus, Hera, Apollo and Athena – and each comprising tutor groups spanning Years 7 to 12 in which older students are expected to help younger students with their studies and homework. Each house is also linked to local charity – e.g. The Abbey Centre for senior citizens.  

"Gluing our new strategies together is our Vivo Rewards1 online reward system – which we use to recognise those houses that act collectively as ambassadors for the schools key values.  Students visiting the Abbey Centre to teach old people how to use the internet might be awarded two Vivos, for example.  Such activity is seen as an active demonstration of our key values, in particular, respect for everyone and commitment to our community.  Working for a common cause, students build up their points to qualify for a house prize such as a group trip to the cinema.

"Transformation of the school has been both a challenging and extremely rewarding journey.  Today the school is very different from the one I joined – our results have improved dramatically, success is celebrated, good behaviour pervades, our students are happy to be here and the whole school works together to create a calm and positive environment in which to learn.  Formulating our six key values has been the single best thing we have done since we started on our journey.  Vivo Rewards have helped us get there," he concluded.

Commenting on their school improvement plan, Principal Jerry Collins said: "Our vision has always been to make Pimlico Academy one of the highest achieving schools in London, state or private, and the outstanding Ofsted recognition affirms that we have made a fantastic start in realising best rc helicopter buy sell market place this vision.  This is very much the beginning of a journey that will see Pimlico Academy become one of the most highly regarded schools in London."

Designed by schools remote control helicopter for schools, Vivo supports the transformation of school culture by unifying teachers, pupils and parents in celebration of success. The rewards are used by schools to not only celebrate academic achievement, but to promote the success of the 'whole' child by recognising good behaviour/citizenship, attendance, healthy eating and their accomplishments in extra-curricular activities.

For further information about Vivo Rewards and its range of solutions and applications, please visit the web site at:, Tel: 0800 043 8486 or e-mail:

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